Horizon Auto Logistics - UP2YOU

Horizon Auto Logistics launches a Distracted Driving Campaign in all of its operating markets!

Distracted driving is a major factor in road accidents and deaths around the world. Annually, over 1.35 million people die due to traffic accidents worldwide. Up to 68% of those are related to distracted driving.

Says Per Folkesson, CEO of Horizon Auto Logistics; “The numbers associated with road accidents, including fatality numbers, caused by distracted driving are significant! It’s just to look around while driving to see the current behavior behind the steering wheel. Certainly, the smart phones are the biggest cause of distracted driving, but not only that, eating and in general not paying attention of what’s in front of you adds to the problem. You see people driving and reading or writing on their phones both at high speeds on the highways and in urban areas at low speed. It shows a lack of awareness or consideration for life, your own and that of others”.

The company is effective this week bringing awareness to the problem at all of its operational sites and with special attention to the vehicles, both heavy and light, entering and exiting its facilities. It will further bring awareness of distracted driving in the ongoing interaction with local communities and universities talking about automotive logistics and sustainability of the future.

Per continues; “We can have on average 60-70 commercial and private vehicles entering and exiting our facilities daily. Giving all of those drivers a reminder of the importance to pay attention to the road and surroundings will have a positive impact. And of course, especially in relation to our youth, give them a different perspective of road safety and that in fact life is not a given, but acting responsibly and being considerate on the roads does make a difference”.

As a company, Horizon Auto Logistics strongly believes in engaging with society and communities on matters of social importance.

To find out more about our distracted driving campaign and sustainability efforts, please contact us on:


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