Horizon Auto Logistics - Sustainability


Horizon Auto Logistics have entered into an agreement with Oak Journey, through its parent company UNI, to build a sustainability strategy. Horizon currently operates in several markets within the Automotive Logistics sector, providing a full suite of supply chain services for finished vehicles from production to the end market. Besides Horizon Auto Logistics, the company further operates under the brands Fast Auto Logistics and Fast Terminal International.

Says Per Folkesson, Group CEO of Horizon Auto Logistics:
“We have a number of sustainability measures in place at our operating facilities but are driven by creating a more comprehensive and aligned vision. We see sustainability as a range of commitments, not only environmental, but also society and economics which we believe are integral for future generations and we are motivated contributing within this field. It’s a mindset. Within our industry, the focus is logically on a carbon free future, so the EVization we are now seeing is important, but it is not clear to us the environmental impact from the lithium batteries longer term. Nor do we believe the sourcing cycle of components to produce the batteries is fitting particularly well within a sustainability framework. We see hydrogen as a more viable alternative for propulsion, although it requires significant investment in infrastructure to serve the general market. With the assistance and expertise of Oak we will create a roadmap of realistic and impactful sustainability measures, and importantly we will hold ourselves accountable measuring the results.”

Says Mauro Castex, CSO of Oak Journey:
“A Sustainable Business Model requires a roadmap that reflects the company’s purpose and takes real world experience to include Environmental, Social and Governance – ESG principles into the organization’s strategy and operations. It also takes the commitment of leadership to bring people and technology together to drive meaningful action and value for all stakeholders. OAK Journey’s purpose is to co-create a roadmap with Horizon by putting ESG at the core of its business model, tracking and measuring its performance for building a possible and better future, step by step.”

About Horizon Auto Logistics:
Horizon Auto Logistics is a global Automotive Logistics Integrator providing a variety of professional value-added services to the Finished Vehicle, Heavy Equipment and Project Cargo Industries. We strongly believe in seamless Supply Chain Operations to reduce costs, shorten lead times, and alleviating capacity constraints while leaving a positive environmental and social impact. We employ a motivated human capital and technological talent, combined with a refined process environment and capable operating system, continuously delivering within these fields, and supported by an innovation platform to deliver technology and services of the future and remain a leader within Automotive Logistics.

About Oak Journey:
OAK Journey is a consulting company that contributes with people and organizations to encourage the change-maker spirit, connecting ideas, values, and purposes creating innovative solutions for the challenges on the path towards sustainability. We believe in collaboration and protagonist, embracing the diversity and the singularity of each other, to develop a plural vision of the context that we live. We build with our clients, a continuous evolving journey, shaping a roadmap with metrics, with the purpose to positively impact all stakeholders. This legacy creates a compelling story that we will be proud to tell.

For further information, please contact:
Per Folkesson, per.folkesson@horizonautologistics.com
Mauro Castex, mauro@oakjourney.com

Imagen de Horizon Autologistics


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